
Thursday, September 18, 2014

3G vs WiFi | Similarity of 3G and WiFi technology | dissimilarity of 3G vs WiFi

3G  is a technology which specially develop for mobile service providers. Mobile services are provided by service providers that self and operate their own wireless networks and sell mobile services to  the end-users usually on a monthly or yearly  subscription basis. Mobile service providers  use licensed spectrum to provide wireless telephone coverage over some relatively large contiguous geographic serving area as their own business policy. From a user perspective, the key feature of mobile service is that it offers (near) ubiquitous and continuous coverage. That is, a consumer can carry on a telephone conversation while driving along a highway at 100 km/h. To support this service, mobile operators maintain a network of interconnected and overlapping mobile base stations that hand-off calls as those customers move among adjacent cells. Each mobile base station may support users up to several kilometers away.

WiFi  is the technological name for the wireless Ethernet 802.11b standard for Wire Less LAN ( WLANs). Wire line local area networks (LANs) founded in the early 1980s as a way to allow collections of PCs, terminals, and other distributed computing devices to share resources and peripherals such as access servers, printers or shared storage devices. One of the most popular local area networks LAN technologies was Ethernet. Over the years, the IEEE has approved a succession of Ethernet standards to support higher capacity LANs over a diverse array of media. The 802.11x family of Ethernet standards are for wireless LANs. WiFi LANs operate using unlicensed spectrum in the 2.4 GHz band. The current generation of Wire Less LAN (WLANs) support up to 11Mbps data rates within 100 m of the base station.

3G Technology  | WiFi technology

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