
Sunday, September 21, 2014

3G Network for Android Games | 3G Games for Android Phone | Game Engine -Android Phone + iPhone + Tablet | Game Engine for Intel

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Android continuously increasing in popularity it is always engaging to take a look at the latest collection of game engines available for the android platform. I am also further interested in seeing which game engines include Intel  x86 support since the number of Intel x86 based mobile devices continue to hike. There are many game engine selection out there, all with a different set of features,maturity, pricing etc. After doing some research, I found a wide difference of game engines that can be used for creating games that run based  on Android mobile devices. Some engines assists x86 support, while others can be ported to support x86 devices without too much attempt.

Here is the ever expanding list of game engines URL.

Game Link URL. http://www.projectanarchy.com/

  • Totally FREE Cross-Platform Engine and Toolkit for Mobile Game Developers
  • Includes Havok’s Vision Engine together with Havok’s leading Physics, Animation Studio and AI tools
  • Develop and release titles on iOS, Android and Tizen for free.
  • Extendible C++ plugin based architecture
  • Available now
Game Link URL. http://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker/studio

3D Game Link URL.  http://unity3d.com

  • 2D/3D cross platform (iOS, Android, PC) with full-featured integrated editor.
  • License purchase required for phone publishing, try for free.
  • PhysX physics engine, C#, javascript or Boo scripting language, multiplayer and network support, streaming assets, etc.
  • Not available  Android x86 support in current version.
2D Game Link URL. http://www.cocos2d-x.org/projects/cocos2d-x

  • Object Oriented- C++ based engine that supports x86 Android devices.
  • Cross platform (Android,Win32 ,iPhone) 2D engine
  • A port to C++ of the popular iPhone Cocos2D engine.
  • Free engine with full source code.

jPCT Link URL.  http://www.jpct.net/jpct-ae/

  • OOP- a java 3D engine optimized for Android.
  • Free for personal and commercial use.
  • An all java game engine that supports x86 Android devices.
  • Nice set of features including 3DS, OBJ and other file support, skeletal animations, shader support, texture compression, collision detection, various lighting modes, transparency, fog, and more.
  • Related Link. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mk.grami.max
Game Link URL. http://code.google.com/p/libgdx/

  • Cross Parallel  platform Support (Windows,OSX , Linux and Android) 2D/3D Android engine. Build, run and iterate on the PC before deploying to phone.
  • Java  and C++ based engine that easily ports to x86.
  • Full free source code .
  • TMX tile map,Box2d physics, shaders, 2D particle system,camera apis, sprite support, OBJ and MD5 model loaders.
  • Java /C++ based engine that with a few minor changes I was able to run on x86 Android devices.
  • Related Link. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.tani.penguinattack

Game Link URL. http://gameplay3d.org/index.php

  • Open sourced under the Apache 2.0 license
  • Open-source cross-platform support 3D engine aimed at the indie game developer ecosystem.
  • Supports BlackBerry 10 and Apple iOS 5+, PlayBook, Android NDK 2.3+,  Apple MacOS X,Microsoft Windows 7, Linux
  • Full featured rendering system, node-based scen graph system,  Bullet physics engine,particle system, audio and UI systems, etc.

Adobe AIR Link URL. http://www.adobe.com/products/air.html

  • H/W accelerated graphics, native extensions, Android Licensing Service support, and more.
  • Required to purchase adobe authoring tool.
  • No Android x86 support in current version.
  • Use Action Script and Flash to build 2D/3D cross platform (iOS, PC, Android,  BlackBerry and TV) apps and games.
  • There are several engines built on top of Flash that provide APIs to build games easily, see a list here
  • Related Link.http://www.adobe.com/devnet/games/gaming_engines.html

2D Game Link URL http://www.andengine.org/
  • Full source code available for free.
  • Split Screen support, network multi player appis, live wallpaper support
  • 2D Android game engine
  • Primarily a Java engine with some C++ that includes x86 native libraries.
  • http://wiki.andengine.org/List_of_Apps_and_Games
  • Available for unlimited trial if used non-commercially
  • Modern 2D/3D C++ based game engine (Windows,Android , Mac and iOS)
  • Scripting and C++ support,animation system, multiple renders,  physics engine, streaming game engine, GUI, etc.
  • DirectX 9,10,11,  OpenGL ES 2.0, OpenGL, PhysX 2, PhysX 3,  Bullet physics integration
  • Tools include a world editor,data browser, model editor, code editor and more.
  • One-click cross platform publishing
  • Android native x86 support
  • Related Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Esenthel

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